Friday, January 29, 2010

nothing could tear us apart


i'm back safely in Malaysia.

the trip was ok-ok. very short indeed so doesn't see much. i came on weekdays so everybody was so busy and i had no car to go places, walk around and sightseeing.

plus..i don't feel like enjoying myself that much as a dear friend of mine passed away and something complicated happened.

i realized that i did not buy that much..i spent less than RM300 for the whole trip, didn't take pictures that much and felt that i just want to get my work done and go home.

everything seems to be okay now.

and let's pray that by next week, our ultimate plan will turn out great.


  1. togetherness must have its ups and downs, bitterness of the down moments will spice up the sweetness.

    asalkan lidah lagi tergigit :o)
    my prayers is for best, for both of u.
