it's another new beginning.
everybody talks about the new year 2010 but seldom people mention about Maal Hijrah or Awal Muharram, the new year based on the Islamic calendar. they talk about plans for the new years eve, what to do 1st of January, their new year's resolution and so on. i've realized that i've been doing the same for the past years and not appreciating much about the new year of 1431H.
therefore, i did my prayers, and cite the 'doa' that my dear friend, Zaza posted on her status in facebook (thanks zaza!) and wish that everything will be good until another new year drops by. InsyaAllah. I must admit, i did pray to Allah SWT for all his blessings to my family and friends, but most of all is someday, for me and hubby to have our own child. I told myself the past year that i'm not ready and there was a little bit doubt in my heart about my capabilities nurturing a delicate little child into a fully successful grown up in this world where there are always bad news highlighted in newspapers and on tv.
i think i'm ready. but then again, it's all up to Allah SWT to blessed me with one. and i hope my dear friends will pray for us too.